Modern Workplace

Elevate Your Business in the Digital Age

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, the importance of technology cannot be overstated. The way we work has been transformed, and businesses are rapidly adopting hybrid work models and digital client interactions to meet the demands of our modern world.

In this dynamic landscape, it's essential to have a strategic approach to IT and workplace management. That's why we've created the Modern Workplace Guide, a comprehensive resource designed to help your organization navigate the complexities of the digital age. This guide encompasses crucial areas such as remote work, seamless collaboration, effective digital communication, optimizing productivity for remote employees, and achieving the right balance for modern work arrangements.

Modern Workplace Handbook

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working from home

Remote working is not

going away...

It’s a people-first system that’s intended to increase productivity and job satisfaction.

A 2020 study by Stanford University of 16,000 workers, found that working from home increased productivity by 13%

Start by understanding the critical drivers of productivity—energy, focus, coordination, and cooperation.

The beauty of

remote working

Is that people can choose to work in a way that makes the most sense for their live. Some people have the opportunity to work remotely for the majority of the week, but commute to occasional in-person meetings. Others rely on co-working spaces as hubs of productivity, community, and technology.

Co-working spaces are a half-way point between a traditional office and a non-traditional workspace. They provide the comfort of working from home, combined with the professional amenities and networking opportunities found in a corporate environment.

What is hybrid working?



Did you know that Skype was introduced to the marketplace way back in 2003 but didn’t really take off for at least 15 years?

Digital communication is how we share information using computers, smartphones and other digital devices. There are a number of digital communication systems, including email, instant messaging, social media, video conferencing, and more…

Most of us have become increasingly familiar with how to communicate effectively using electronic devices since the Covid-19 pandemic left us isolated at home. However, it did take a global crisis to force us into the changes needed to make digital communications work their

magic for us.



how to make them work for you

The way we meet for work has changed dramatically over the past five years. We used to all insist on collecting in a room together, face to face, to feel like we could judge a meeting as valid. And we would literally travel across the globe to make these meetings happen.

TechWyse VENN hybrid working diagram

That seems so unreal these days! Now we tend to only insist on travelling and meeting in the flesh if it is entirely necessary. It’s cheaper, less stressful and better for the environment to meet online when possible. But what if some people meet in one physical place and others join in using technology?

Teamwork and


Why making them work now is more essential to your business than ever.

You’d think we’d be safe discussing teamwork and collaboration at work – after all, they are the age-old bastions of business best-practice. However, with the changing face of the workplace today, can we assume they are done the same way they always have been, or has progress touched even these twin towers of success?

Modern Workplace Articles

Eager to know more about Modern Workplace? Why not take a look through our most recent Modern Workplace articles.